Lab Apprentice

€12.00 hourly
Apprentice Biotech Chemistry Engineering Entry Level Environmental Laboratory Manufacturing Production

Job Description

Are you looking to kick start a career in science and get an education while getting paid?

In partnership with IBEC and Technology University Dublin (Institute of Technology Tallaght) Gannon Eco Limited is seeking candidates for a Laboratory Apprenticeship Programme. This program combines part time learning and work placement.

Higher Certificate in Science Laboratory Technician, Level 6 (2 years) with the opportunity to advance to Ordinary Bachelor of Science Degree Laboratory Analyst, Level 7 (3 years)

Combining practical, hands-on work experience with excellent educational qualification

Apprentice attends college 2 days per week and works for the remaining 3 days per week

Entry Requirements for Laboratory Technician & Laboratory Analyst

Pass (Grade 06 or better) in five leaving certificate subjects where two of which must be maths and a science subject.

250 CAO points or Relevant FETAC Level 5 or Level 6 graduate

or Current employee with relevant experience and qualifications

Before enrolment on the apprenticeship programme, apprentices must have; An industry interview & Solas apprentice approval

Company pays apprentice salary for both on and off the job phases