Edenderry School Completion Programme

  • Edenderry, County Offaly, Ireland
  • N/A

Project Information

The School Completion Programme is a targeted programme which aims to increase the number of children and young people staying in primary and post primary school and in doing so improve the number that successfully complete the Senior Cycle, or equivalent. The School Completion Programme works with students aged 4-18.

The focus of the Programme is to work with those who may be at risk of educational disadvantage through early school leaving.

The School Completion Programme aims to impact positively on school:

  • Attendance
  • Retention
  • Participation

The School Completion Programme is a national programme, and action under the Department of Education & Skills DEIS – “Delivery Equality of Opportunity in School Plan (2017)

The Programme provides a range of local targeted interventions in disadvantaged schools and communities designed to support the retention of children and young people in education. The School Completion Programme is funded by Tusla Education Support Service.

The Edenderry School Completion Programme operates in five primary schools and one post primary schools in the Edenderry / Castlejordan and Carbury areas. The Edenderry School Completion programme is managed by the Local Management Committee.