If you require an open position to be advertised to meet the Labour Market Needs Test MidlandJobs.ie can assist with this.
For full details about restrictions and exemptions to this we recommend you consult with the official documentation on work permits. Further information can he viewed at the Dept. Enterprise Trade and Employment.
The main requirements to obtain exemptions are:
Employers must show that they have tried to fill the vacancy with an Irish or EEA citizen. They do this by advertising the job in Ireland and within the EU for a reasonable period. If they cannot find a suitable candidate for the job then the employer can recruit a worker that needs an employment permit. This is called a Labour Market Needs Test. The employment permit applicant must prove that a Labour Market Needs Test has been carried out. The employer must advertise the vacancy in all of the following:
The vacancy must include the employer’s name, a description of the job, the yearly salary, where the job will be located and the number of hours per week. You must wait until the Labour Market Needs Test is finished before applying for your employment permit. The application must be made within 90 days of the job being advertised with the DSP and EURES. |
All this is covered in a single fee, pricing largely dependent on the cost of preferred print media. Please contact us for pricing and details on this service.